UNIPG, in which the LEPA (Centre of studies on Legality and Participation) is active, will investigate the impact of politicisation of anticorruption upon the mediatisation of anticorruption. UNIPG unit will assess how media representation can alter anticorruption policies, putting a specific focus on how political actors can strategically politicize judicial activities, in the attempt to mobilize their supporters and to attack competitors.
UNIPG activity will assess to what extent in Italy in the time span considered media dealing with anticorruption initiatives have shown a stronger propensity to report political strategies and conflict around anti-corruption policies supporting a precise political actor and/or attacking political actors than to foster the implementation of anticorruption policies and judicial inquiries.
The research project aims to analyze the coverage of corruption and anti-corruption in newspapers and online newspapers, the study of social media debate and the investigation of case studies of corruption occurred at different times starting from “Mani Pulite” until today. The research team will analyze the collected material using a mixed method approach
and contacts
Rita Marchetti is Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of Perugia, where she teaches courses in Sociology of Digital Media and Political System and Communication Techniques. Her main research interests are digital media, political communication, digital religion and corruption. Her work has appeared in a number of peer-reviewed journals, including The International Journal of Press Politics, European Journal of Communication, Journalism, Journalism Practice, Journalism Studies, The Communication Review, Comunicazione Politica, Polis and Problemi dell’Informazione
Anna Stanziano is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Political Science of the University of Perugia. Her main research interests are political communication, journalistic coverage of corruption, the perception of corruption and the relationship between media and religion. Her publications include contributions in volume and articles in scientific journals (including “Comunicazione Politica”, “Polis” and “Problemi dell’Informazione”).
Benedetto Ponti is Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the Department of Political Science of the University of Perugia, where he teaches courses in Administrative Law and Digital Media Law. He is professor of information law at the School of Radio and Television Journalism of Perugia, and is part of the Cyber Security National Lab - Node UniPg. External consultant of ANAC for the formulation of indicators of prevention of administrative corruption. Director of the second level University Master " Esperti in progettazione e gestione dell’anticorruzione e della trasparenza – EXPACT ". The main objects of the research activity concern: administrative transparency; administrative law of anti-corruption; the regime of public data; administrative organization, also with specific reference to the subjective dimension of impartiality.
Enrico Carloni, full professor of administrative law, Director of the Center for Lagality and Participation (LEPA); is coordinator of the degree course and master's degree in Political Sciences and Administration Sciences of the University of Perugia. Lawyer. PhD in public law (Bologna). He's currently PI in the framework of a European project ("Apta-Mod") on the definition of models of administrative prevention of corruption (Hercules III Program, 2020-2022); he was "Expert of the Council" of the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority (2017-2020). He is the author of five monographs and more than 150 publications in various fields of administrative and public law; in particular, he published works on anti-corruption (Corruzione e anticorruzione. Dieci lezioni," Milan, 2018, with R. Cantone; Preventing corruption through administrative measures, ed., Perugia, 2019), public transparency (L’amministrazione aperta, Rimini, 2014), public digitalisation, personal data protection, local authorities, public contracts, lobbying (Il cantiere delle lobby, Rome, 2020, with M. Mazzoni).
Giuseppina Bonerba ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Semiotica presso l’Università di Bologna con tesi diretta dal prof. Umberto Eco, ha svolto attività di ricerca presso l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales di Parigi e presso il dipartimento Media & Communications della London School of Economics and Political Sciences. Attualmente è docente di Sociologia della cultura per il corso di laurea in Scienze della comunicazione dell’Università di Perugia. Le sue aree di ricerca sono: media studies, comunicazione politica, studi di genere, migrazioni.
Marco Mazzoni is Associate Professor of Sociology of Communications at the University of Perugia, where he teaches Public Relations and Theories and techniques of mass communication. His fields of research are journalism, corruption and the analysis of the different forms of political communication. His work has appeared in a number of international peer-reviewed journals, including The International Journal of Press/Politics, Journalism, Journalism Studies, The European Journal of Communication, International Journal of Cultural Studies.
Matteo Gerli is a post-doc researcher at the Department of the Arts, University of Bologna, and teaching tutor at the University for Foreigners of Perugia, Departments of Human and Social Sciences. He holds a PhD in “Teorie e Ricerche sulla Politica” (University of Perugia) and a postgraduate master in “Data Science” (University of Rome Tor Vergata). His research interests focus on the relationship between media system and socio-political context, with particular attention both to the structural factors affecting news coverage and to the variability of news contents, actors and frames. He also deals with sociology of science and quantitative research techniques for Text Mining and Social Network Analysis.
Paolo Mancini ha been Professor at the Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Università di Perugia. His research focuses mostly on political communication in comparative perspective. He is the author of many books both in English and Italian. The book he wrote with Dan Hallin, “Comparing Media Systems. Three Models of Media and Politics” won several prizes and was translated in many languages. Mancini is Fellow of International Communication Association and in 2019 was awarded the Murray Edelman Career Achievement Award from the Political Communication division of the American Political Science Association (APSA). In the same year Mancini received the title of "Honorary doctor" from Midsweden University, Sundsvall.
Roberto Mincigrucci is a Post-Doc fellow at the Department of Political Science of the University of Perugia. He has been member of the Unit of Perugia in EU project (Seventh Framework Programme) “Anticorruption Policies Revisited. Global Trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption” [Anticorrp]. His research interests focus on political communication, news coverage of corruption, and media scandals. His work has appeared in international peer-reviewed journals, including European Journal of Communication, Contemporary Italian Politics and Comunicazione politica.
Susanna Pagiotti is a PhD candidate in Politics, Public Policies and Globalization at the Department of Political Science of the University of Perugia. Her main scientific interests concern social policies, the intersection between media and religion and corruption. Among her publications there are also articles in national and international scientific journals such as “Problemi dell’Informazione” and “Journal of Risk Research”.